The Foundation exists to pursue the Berkmans’ longstanding dedication and commitment to higher education in the United States, particularly higher education preparing future leaders and promoting the growth of knowledge into effective business and administration. In addition, the Foundation aims to recognize particularly the achievements of the men and women who have served this country in military service.
Tax Exempt Status
The Foundation is recognized as a qualified tax exempt private foundation pursuant to section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service and a not for profit exempt corporation under Chapter 617 Florida Statutes. The Foundation intends to annually award scholarships and research fellowship grants, which pursuant to the July 24, 2014 communication, may be excluded from the gross income of recipients for tax purposes.
Foundation Board of Directors
Karen A. Berkman, PhD
President and Treasurer
Dr. Berkman has been a member of the BOD since 2014. She is the daughter of Harold and Muriel Berkman. She provides the BOD with leadership in carrying forward the Foundation’s mission. The Berkman family has waived all compensation and honorariums.
Julie Moulard, PhD
Associate Professor of Marketing
Balsley-Whitmore Endowed Professor in Business
Louisiana Tech University
Dr. Moulard’s primary research interests are brand authenticity and human brands. Her research has been published in journals such as Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, and Psychology & Marketing. She is an editorial review board member for the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Business Research, and the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. Dr. Moulard currently serves as the Immediate Past President of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS— www.ams-web.org), one of the marketing discipline’s leading academic organizations, which was founded by Dr. Harold Berkman. She has been heavily involved with AMS in numerous capacities, including AMS President (2020-2022), AMS President-Elect (2018-2020), AMS Vice President for Programs (2014-2018), and AMS Vice President of Membership-USA (2012-2014). In 2013, Dr. Moulard received the inaugural AMS Harold and Muriel Berkman Faculty Achievement and Development Award for her service to AMS as a junior faculty member, and in 2023, she received the Harold W. Berkman Service Award for her longtime service to the organization.
Barry J. Babin, PhD
Scholarship & Research Grant Chairman
Phil B. Hardin Professor and Chair of Marketing, Analytics and Professional Sales
Ole Miss Business School
The University of Mississippi
Dr. Babin has been a member of the BOD since 2014. He serves as the chairman of the scholarship and research grants committee. He was an active participant in the core group that formatted the “Foundation” By Laws submitted to the IRS.
Stuart A. Berry, CFP
Managing Director / Truist Wealth
Financial Advisor / Private Client Group
Truist Investment Services, Inc.
Mr. Berry has been a member of the BOD since 2014. He brings a sharp intellect and analytic skills to the selection process.
Laurie A. Babin, PhD
Associate Professor of Marketing
Ole Miss Business School
The University of Mississippi
Dr. Babin has been an ad hoc member of the BOD since 2015. Her background includes military service in the U.S. Navy, 4 years active duty and 20 years in the reserve. Her insights are valuable in the selection process of military veterans.
Nina Krey, DBA
Rowan University
Dr. Krey has been ad hoc member of the BOD since 2016. Dr. Krey was part of the start-up team that recruited the first award recipients while working on her doctoral studies at Louisiana Technical University. She initially screens all incoming applications. As the youngest member of the BOD, she brings a vital perspective to our deliberations.
Larry Braue, EdD
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.)
Dr. Larry Braue served for 27 years in the United States Army retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. In 2010, Dr. Braue became the Director of the Office of Veteran Success at the University of South Florida and St. Leo University where he served our veterans by creating opportunities for academic, professional, and lifelong success. Dr. Braue holds a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Liberty University, a Masters of Arts in Human Resource Management from Central Michigan University and a Bachelors of Arts in Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
David J. Ortinau, Ph.D. (Louisiana State University)
Professor Emeritus and Eminent Scholar in Marketing
SMA Distinguished Fellow
School of Marketing and Innovations
Muma College of Business
University of South Florida
Dr. Ortinau remains an active member of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS). Dr. Ortinau’s leadership and professional experience is recognized and well respected within the Marketing Discipline. Dr. Ortinau received the 2016 Harold Berkman Distinguished AMS Service Award. Dr. Ortinau currently serves the Deputy Executive Director (2023-2025) for AMS. During his membership, he has served in a variety of positions ranging from member of AMS Board of Governors (2016-2022), the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) editorial review board (1988-2026) He has served as Guest Editor for several journals’ special issues.
Steve Horton, MED
University of Georgia Libraries’ Board of Visitors
University of Georgia Student Affairs Fundraising Advisory Board
University of Georgia Alumni Association Board of Directors
After a 30-year career in Intercollegiate Athletics, Steve retired in 2012 from the University of South Florida. He moved a short distance across campus to USF’s Office of Veteran Success where he spent the next 7 years as the office’s Veterans Support Coordinator. During this time, Steve had the opportunity to meet Dr. and Mrs. Berkman on a number of occasions. Like Dr. Berkman, Steve is a graduate of the University of Georgia, with a BA in Journalism, and MED in Physical Education (Sport Management), and is currently completing an MA in Journalism (Advertising). Steve holds an Executive Program Certificate from the Sports Management Institute at the University of Notre Dame.
General Counsel
Law Offices
Wicker Smith O’Hara McCoy & Ford P.A.
Coral Gables, FL
Certified Public Accountants
Olin, Gottlieb, Rotolante, Villalobos & Co.
Miami, FLB