The Foundation was founded by Harold W. Berkman and his wife, Muriel, to pursue their longstanding dedication and commitment to higher education in the United States in preparing future business leaders and promoting the growth of knowledge into effective business and administration.

Harold W. Berkman

Harold Berkman
Dr. Berkman retired from a distinguished career as Vice Dean and Professor of Management and Marketing at the University of Miami and has given much to the marketing discipline, most notably founding the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), as well as the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. AMS is now one of the largest and most prestigious academic marketing organizations boasting a top-level journal and world-wide membership. Dr. Berkman is a WWII veteran and earned his Combat Infantryman Badge by seeing action from the Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes Campaign, the Rhineland Campaign and the Central Europe Campaign. He received multiple recognitions for his service including a recognition from the President of the Republic of France naming him a Chevalier de la Legion d’honneur (Knight of the Empire). In all Dr. Berkman is the recipient of 15 decorations for valor and service. He was also honored with the Order of Saint Maurice in the rank of legionnaire by the National Infantry Association. The Order of Saint Maurice is awarded to soldiers and civilians who have served the infantry community with distinction, made a significant contribution in support of the infantry, and “represent the highest standards of integrity, moral character, professional competence, and dedication to duty.”

Dr. Berkman passed away on December 7, 2020. Fitting tributes to him include An Old Soldier Definitely Not Fading Away, by USF, and through links available on the AMS news page. In his later years, nothing gave him more excitement and pride than being able to give back to the country he fought for through the charitable actions of the Foundation.

Muriel Berkman

Muriel Berkman
Muriel Berkman attended Lincoln High School in Brooklyn, New York and completed her Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology at C.W. Post Center of Long Island University and her Master of Counseling Psychology degree from the University of Miami. Her brother served in the European theater of Operations during WWII as a B17 bomber pilot. Muriel had the unique experience of being on campus taking courses at the same time as her daughter and son. For many years, she had a successful career as a psychotherapist and assisting her husband during the formative years of the Academy of Marketing Science. Muriel and Harold celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary on February 3, 2018. Muriel retired in 2008 and serves as the Vice President of the Harold and Muriel Berkman Charitable Foundation, Inc. She is also a member of the Board of Directors Executive Committee.

Harold and Muriel Berkman are first-generation Americans. “This great country has given so much to mine and Muriel’s parents who came here with nothing and built a better life for our families, and this is our way of giving back,” says Dr. Berkman.

Harold Berkman Uniform and Medals Dedication Ceremony

The Berkman family donated Dr. Harold Berkman's WWII uniform and medals to the University of Georgia. The video below shows University's dedication ceremony held on behalf of the Berkman family. Dr. Berkman's uniform and medals will be kept in a special display within the University's student veteran’s lounge.

Berkman Uniform Dedication
Framed photos of Harold Berkman from his active duty years.
Berkman uniform and medals

(Top Left) Left to right: Shane Kozusko, a second year financial planning student and former Army infantryman. Shane is this year’s Berkman Award recipient. Caitlyn Davis, a third year nutritional science student, Army Reserve medic and ROTC cadet. Caitlyn received the Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship this year.
Jason Hedrick, a former Army helicopter pilot and now MBA student. Jason received the Horton/Devore Award this year.

(Bottom left) Framed photos of Dr. Berkman.

(Right) Dr. Berkman’s Eisenhower jacket and medals. 

Dr. Berkman's Uniform and memorabilia on display at the University of Georgia
Steve Horton, Dr. Karen Berkman and Laurie Babin standing at Dr. Berkman's display