The Harold and Muriel Berkman Charitable Foundation announces scholarship and research grant recipients for 2017. 69 students, representing 30 AACSB Accredited Universities, received a scholarship this year in a competition that was particularly competitive. Over 700 applications were submitted and reviewed by the Awards Committee.
Among that list, the Foundation is particularly proud to announce that 34 U.S. Veterans from various branches of the U.S. services received scholarships. Included amongst the Veterans are several individuals who earned the Combat Infantrymen’s Badge (U.S. Army Infantryman seeing combat action) or Combat Action Badge (combat badge for other branches) during their service. The Foundation has awarded 189 scholarships in the past four years. In 2014, the “Foundation” established an endowment for the Student Veterans Center at the University of Georgia.
In 2016, the Harold and Muriel Berkman Charitable Foundation also partnered for the first time with the French Marketing Association (Association Francaise de Marketing) and the Academy of Marketing Science to help pursue the mutual goal of providing research funding opportunities to collaborative, academic, research teams consisting of at least one AMS member and one AFM member. In addition, competitive research grants were awarded to three U.S. marketing faculty. The grants support the development of marketing science and marketing theory based on each applicant’s description of research aimed toward that end. In total, the Foundation has made $31,800 in awards aimed at advancing basic marketing research. This year’s recipients are David J. Ortinau (University of South Florida), Jennifer A. Espinosa (Rowan University), and Stefan Sleep (Georgia Southern University).
For a complete list of scholarship and grant recipients, visit our scholarship page.